Friday, 16 September 2011

Saturday 13th August

Visit to A.P Bond Gallery (139 Gallery)
- Robert Fielding and Betty Pumani

Robert Fielding - "Tree Of Life" 76cm X 51cm

Robert Fielding’s paintings, although simple had rather intricate detail with many layers of colours and patterns with a great deal of depth and texture. The paintings were very organic, composed with a series of swirls in various muted, earthy colours, some darker colours were layered with dots ranging from dark to mid-tones, then lighter colours, then an additional layer of dots in an off white. The paintings had a real impression of depth with a definite sense of movement within the images, which was very captivating. However, only when you stood back from the works did you feel their full impact. Although I am not generally one who is drawn to the traditional dot paintings, these works really impressed me.

Betty Pumani is Pitjantjatjara artist who has created a series of fun and colourful works, including both modern and tradtional aspects, representing the country of her Mother's tjukurrpa, which is connected with an individuals "dreaming"or ancestral descendants. Each person has a different tjukurrpa with a different story and meaning. Pumani’s paintings, although extremely vibrant and colourful, were composed mostly from a mix of muted tones in blue, green, purple, salmon, pink, etc. However in a couple of the paintings there were areas where the yellows and oranges had an almost fluorescent appearance that was hard to look at for any length of time, not my cup-of-tea. However, for the most part, I enjoyed the exhibition, which from my research is quite different to most traditional western desert dot paintings. Like Fielding’s works, the further you moved away, these paintings had a three dimensional quality with an organic appeal, but were not as refined in their delivery. In these paintings the lines and dots were blurred, overlaid and flowed into one another, giving a more abstract appearance.

Betty Kuntiwa Pumani - Antara"

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